"My dearest Anna, I'm writing this on a Sunday night in London. If you're reading this, then you barely knew me, and may have no memory of who I am. I am your mother. You were born in an air raid in the middle of a war to two people who loved each other. Our year together in the house in the Hamsted has been the happiest of my life. Today you took your first steps. I'm so grateful that I saw you walk for the first time with your father by my side. Max, my love, you are my world. I hope you will be able to forgive me. And I hope you make it to Medicine Hat. I have a picture of it in my mind. And I pray Anna's eyes will see it. My beautiful daughter, I love you with all my heart."
咱就是说,没见过拍的这么好的反诈情景剧。把基层特5描述的极端苦B,业务专业度高,免费一对一刺激互动聊天软件这么聪明能干心思缜密的队友不应该早早提拔吗?这政治无比滴正确,看上去能把对面鼻子气歪的那种。 很生活、很现实的中年生活,苦苦挣扎的人生,演员很OK。