Ridiculously thought-provoking. The underside of the American dream. When it is often presented as a path to follow, a social and personal ascension, possibly all the way to the top, American Psycho proposes to show us not how you get there, but who you have become at the end of the journey. The MC is a narcissistic imposter, an ultra-conformist consumer, and a cold rational serial killer. Incapable of empathy, fascinated by violence, obsessed with symbols of success, materialistic to the core and profoundly unhappy. But is it possible to break free from the nuclear chain reaction of simulacrums? A radical answer is given at the ending, an outstanding "chute".
不知为啥 好喜欢看那时候的北京老爷们的生活电影 大概是我向往的生活?特喜欢看葛大爷一本正经地胡说八道。两人坐在香山顶上,葛大爷说,北京这几年变化真快啊,小时候坐在香山顶上找军事博物馆,找啥找啥,姐姐的S丑闻现在都淹没在高楼大厦中了。但是镜头里的北京还是只有一小块一小块的高楼。我想有机会去香山,一定要在同一个位置,看看现在的北京,一定大不同。